Selectively Slutty: by gabrielle smith

What does it mean to be selectively slutty?

Part advice column, part diary and part essay series, Selectively Slutty is a bi-monthly newsletter from non-monogamy educator Gabrielle Smith.

Twice a month I'll send out a newsletter answering a question submitted by one of my followers. It'll also feature some thoughts as to what's been on my mind, my favorite articles, and things I don't want you to miss! Questions can be submitted here.

The name comes from a title past partners have given to me: selectively slutty. After all, I'm someone who might sleep with someone on the first date, or after a few months. It all depends on the connection. It's a "contradiction" about myself that I love, but I think it also often describes the non-monogamous experience. Everyone expects us to be sluts, and sometimes we are. But... we aren't sluts because we're non-monogamous!

Paid subscribers (coming soon) will receive two extra newsletters a month in which I more openly speak about my personal life, as well as dive deeply into more political topics like race, socioeconomic backgrounds, mental illness and how all of that affects how polyamory looks for different people.

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